Ingerul meu

Ingerul meu

vineri, 27 ianuarie 2012

Pentru cei ce se simt vinovati...

Sa nu te increzi niciodata in nimeni. Doar in singurul tau cel mai bun prieten. Nu lasa pe nimeni sa profite de tine pentru ca apoi te vei simti folosit. Cateodata, abia atunci cand pierzi un lucru iti dai seama cat de mult aveai nevoie si cat de mult vei tanji pentru acea senzatie de bine, de liniste, de pace. 
Probabil va intrebati de ce nu suna asa poetic? Cateodata, viata nu este tocmai cum ai planuit-o. Cand iti pare rau, te caiesti pentru un lucru gresit, dar treci peste, te corectezi, tragi aer in piept si stii ca viata este prea frumoasa dar si prea scurta pentru rautati sau pentru a te gandi la trecut, in prezent. Stiti de ce? Pentru ca, la un moment dat trecutul se termina, toate gandurile se uita, iar prezentul ramane, se transforma la un moment dat si el in trecut.
Sa nu iti para rau niciodata pentru ceea ce faci, pentru ceea ce esti. Incearca sa traiesti fara regrete. Acum te simti mai bine, nu? E un sentiment minunat. Bucura-te de el!

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Viata este asemeni unui concert de vioara, invatand instrumentul pe masura ce canti la el...

Viata este asemeni unui concert de vioara, invatand instrumentul pe masura ce canti la el...

Un cantec deosebit

Pentru a vizualiza in liniste filmuletele de pe YouTube puteti opri muzica de pe fundal dand pe butonul de pauza al playlistului aflat la sfarsitul bloogului.

Think Of Those Who Love You

Think Of Those Who Love You
If someone should hurt you
and say a thing unkind...
Remember what I write to you
And keep these thoughts in mind

For everyone who makes you cry,
there are three to make you smile...
The smile will last a long long time,
but a tear just a little while.

Don't let someone who hates the world
cause you to hate you too...
Behind the clouds, a Golden sun
a sky that's full of Blue

If someone said a thing that's cruel,
don't let it get to you...
Your achievements are greatly numbered
and your faults are very few.

So if a certain person should act a certain way
Think of those who love you
and don't let it spoil your day!


Don't tell me that you understand, don't tell me that
you know...
Don't tell me how I will survive, how will I surely
Don't tell me this is just a test, that I am truly blessed
That I am chosen for this task apart from all the rest
Don't come at me with answers that only come from me
Don't tell me how my grief will pass, that I will soon be free
Don't stand in pious judgment of the bonds I must untie
Don't tell me how to suffer, don't tell me how to cry

My life is filled with selfishness, my pain is all I see...
But I need you and I need your love unconditionally.

Accept me in my ups and downs, I need someone to share...
Just hold my hand and let me cry and say
"My friend... I care."

When you're alone and everything is quiet around you, you can yet hear the sweetest lullaby being sung...
And waking in the morning, all troubles feel lighter: you now you have spoken with an angel before a new day has begun.